Hydration (Advanced)
Learn everything you need to know about hydration and why it is so important for older people
In this Training module, you will learn everything you need to know about hydration including why it is so important, especially for older people, how you can make sure the people in your care stay hydrated and healthy, how to identify signs of dehydration and what to do about it and much more.
Advanced FoodCare Training
This is an Advanced course that teaches in-depth, topic specific content. It will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete this training.
Get a Certificate
You can earn a certificate for this FoodCare Training by passing the quiz (answer at least 80% of all questions correctly). Certificates will automatically be issued at the end and will also be emailed to you.
Who Developed this Training
The content for this training module was developed by two of our expert advisors, Dietitian Kaye Dennison and Speech Language Therapist Renee Taylor, with support from our Dietitians Jess Bowden and Nicole Taylor.
Your Instructor
Kaye Dennison is a qualified dietitian and a registered nutritionist with a special interest in championing nutrition solutions for seniors. She also has proven experience as an accomplished coach and mentor for allied health professionals.
Kaye’s extensive New Zealand experience includes: professional leadership roles for allied health teams at DHBs; clinical audits of dietetic care; training health professionals in nutrition needs assessments; managing hospital clinical dietetic services and overseeing hospital food services.
Other achievements include: nutrition screening training for nurses and allied health clinicians; championing national therapy assistant training; completing national research on centralising hospital and community dietetic resources and research on community dietitian caseloads. She has also been a presenter on many national roadshows focusing on increasing the awareness of Health Professionals and lay people on nutrition risk in older people.
Kaye teamed up with The Pure Food Co to develop this FoodCare Training.